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+++ English Titles +++

Tatort Zirkus (57)
Tatort ZirkusScene of Crime: Circus (al/db), Deadly Showdown (bt), Attempt on the Acrobat (sh)

Accident or attempted assassination? Young acrobat Mary di Domenico falls from the tightrope and only escapes death by inches. The Three Investigators doubt that it is just an accident. After all, Mary is the heir to the valuable collection of the late clown Jacky Knivel. 

Even when their investigations become a walk on a tightrope, the boys are determined to find the real saboteur.

Der verrückte Maler (58)
Der verrückte MalerMad Painter (al/db), Yellow Cows (bt)

Aunt Mathilda is furious, Jupiter is attacked by strangers and someone tries to burn down Headquarters. The root of all trouble is an ugly picture of yellow cows that Uncle Titus bought at an auction.

The Three Investigators set out to solve the mystery of the painting. Soon they come across a safe-selling-company and a solitary house at the coast, where the odd solution of the case is hidden...

Giftiges Wasser (59)
Giftiges WasserPoisened Water (al/db)

Usually Sedona is a rather quiet town, but once a year, its famous music-festival attracts people from all over the country. This summer, someone threatens that he will poison Sedona’s drinking water if the town did not give him $ 250,000.

Originally Jupiter, Pete and Bob came to Sedona in order to help a TV-team, but the sudden menace brings them back to their true dedication. Immediately the boys launch an investigation.

Dopingmixer (60)
DopingmixerDoping Mixer (al/db), Runaway Success (bt)

»Glenn Miles runs too fast for his age!« Pete has a sneaking suspicion that his fellow sportsman consumes illegal substances to improve his performance. At first Bob supposes that Pete is only jealous but Jupiter scents a new case for the Three Investigators.

Suddenly Glen disappears and the boys run up against someone who does not even stop at drug running to make his team invincible...

Die Rache des Tigers (61)
Die Rache des TigersRevenge of The Tiger (al/db), Explosive Entertainment (bt)

Rocky Beach’s radical citizens action group is trembling with rage!  Michael Milton, a local businessman, wants to establish a big family entertainment park on the same area where they want to build an agricultural project for children. 

At the inauguration of Milton's park, a bomb explodes. Virtually everybody is convinced that the action group is responsible for the attack. The Three Investigators have a different suspicion. In the apartment of a missing waitress they find an important clue that leads to an eerie place: »The Throne of the Tiger«.

Spuk im Hotel (62)
Spuk im HotelThe Haunted Hotel (al/db/bt/sh)

A clock in the swimming pool, a painting in the garden - strange things happen at the Old Star, the little but expensive hotel of former movie actress Amanda Black. Is it just a bad joke, or does someone really want to harm the eccentric woman?

One person at the hotel is more than he pretends to be. To unmask the cunning saboteur the Three Investigators have to act undercover as well...

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.

Fußball-Gangster (63)
Fußball-GangsterSoccer Crooks (al/db), Commercial Kick-Off (bt)

James' main goal is to become a professional soccer-player. Thus when the famous instant meal company »Smell Foods« offers him a scholarship for their renowned soccer-academy he accepts without a second thought.

Jupiter can’t share in his cousin's happiness. The First Investigator scents that something about »Smell Foods« doesn’t smell all right. Then Pete watches a soccer game on TV that confirms Jupiter's suspicions… [In the end the Three Investigators are not allowed to reveal their knowledge about the »Smell Foods -conspiracy« but they get a free trip to England]

Geisterstadt (64)
GeisterstadtGhost Town (al/db), Dicey Business (bt)

Michael Oames, a famous game editor from Tahoe, is held for ransom. The kidnappers call his family and demand one million Dollars. The selfish relatives, however have already made their own plans. Fortunately the Three Investigators have just arrived at Tahoe for a short skiing-vacation. 

The boys start tracing the kidnappers whose tracks lead to Virginia City, a nearly deserted town in Nevada. Suddenly someone puts his cards on the table and the whole situation changes...

Diamantenschmuggel (65)
DiamantenschmuggelDiamond Smuggling (al/db), The Diamond Deal (bt)

The Three Investigators travel to London to watch an important soccer game. Their carefree holidays are over, when they discover the activities of a gang of diamond smugglers.

Disguised as tourists, the boys follow the jewel crooks to the Netherlands...

Schattenmänner (66)
SchattenmännerThe Shadow Men (al/db), The Shadows of Rome (bt)

Having solved their first European case, Jupiter, Pete and Bob decide to visit Rome. Right on their first day, someone robs Jupiter of his bag. Immediately the boys search the ancient alleys of the Italian capital for the thieves.

Soon the three boys are involved in another exiting adventure...

Das Geheimnis der Särge (67)
Das Geheimnis der SärgeMystery of The Coffins (al/db), The Cave-Coffin Crime (bt)

The Three Investigators are interested in caves. Thus on their tour around southern Germany they explore a couple of caverns. In one of the creepy tunnels they make a hair raising discovery: Several coffins are hidden in the dark.

The strange contents of the coffins lead the boys to the ancient catacombs in Vienna. 

Der Schatz im Bergsee (68)
Der Schatz im BergseeTreasure in The Mountain Lake (al/db), Weird Waters (bt)

During their last days in Europe, the Three Investigators book a flight round the Alps. The little plane crashes down and the pilot is attacked by a masked unit. Together with the injured man, the boys set off across the mountains in a desperate flight.

In a Swiss valley they meet someone who has a dangerous secret that is hidden at the bottom of a deep mountain lake...

Späte Rache (69)
Späte RacheLate Revenge (al/db), Retarded Retaliation (bt), An Eye for an Eye (bt)

Where is Pete? The Second Investigator does not return from a night at a local disco. Soon an anonymous letter arrives at the Salvage Yard: »We kidnapped Pete! Now he has to pay for everything, he did to me!«

Helpless, Jupiter and Bob turn to Inspector Cotta. With the help of a police psychologist they find out that the kidnapper must be someone who was sent to prison after he had been caught by the boys. Now he craves for retaliation...

Schüsse aus dem Dunkel (70)
Schüsse aus dem DunkelShots in The Dark (al/db), Dressed to Kill (bt)

The blood-and-guts struggle in California’s fashion scene has demanded its first victim: A model breaks down on the stage, her dress soaked in blood. Someone shot at her, but why?

Jupiter discovers his »sexy side« and applies for a job at the fashion show. Behind the glamorous scenes, the Three Investigators reveal a tragedy of love, greed and blood-relations.

Die verschwundene Seglerin (71)
Die verschwundene SeglerinThe Vanishing Yachtswoman (al/db), Drowning in Debts (bt)

Irma Bannister drowned on a sailing trip, but her corpse has never been found. Now an allegedly ancient mirror from her auction house puts Titus Jones into a lot of trouble. The mirror is merely cheap trash and anything but ancient. 

The Three Investigators decide to help Jupiter’s uncle. Although hardly anybody is willing to talk about the deceased woman, the boys make an important discovery...

Dreckiger Deal (72)
Dreckiger DealDirty Deal (al/db), Speed Trap (bt)

Malcolm King is a decent citizen with a popular little café near to Rocky Beach High. The students are amazed when Mr. King is taken into custody. The charge against the friendly African American is drug dealing. 

Jupiter, Pete and Bob are determined to prove King’s innocence. To rescue their client, they have to decode a strange message and find the answer to a difficult question: What is the connection between a vegetable peeler and a proverb from Africa?

Poltergeist (73)
PoltergeistPoltergeist (al/db/bt/sh)

»My house is haunted!« terrified Mrs. Cartier turns to the Three Investigators for help. Objects rise into the air, chilling sounds disturb the silence of the old house and her furniture start to move when the lights get dim.

Jupiter, Pete and Bob don’t believe in supernatural forces and agree to spend a night at Mrs. Cartier’s house. The investigation soon becomes a spine tingling adventure that requires more than nerves and guts...

Das brennende Schwert (74)
Das brennende SchwertBurning Sword (al/db), Total Eclipse (db)

A dead man leaves three strange objects. On their own, they are worthless but together they form the Burning Sword. Whoever reunites the parts during a solar eclipse, shall be the master of the Fellowship of the Sword - a dangerous and mighty sect.

Uncle Titus receives a red crystal. According to his late friend’s will he is supposed to hand it over to a man called Beany. But someone steals the stone. When the Three Investigators find out that the crystal is a part of the burning sword, a desperate search begins, since the next solar eclipse is approaching...

Die Spur des Raben (75)
Die Spur des  RabenTrace of The Raven (al/db), The Raven’s Riddle (bt)

»The raven is still free and soon there‘ll be another crime – so better listen carefully and try to be on time: The raven himself is hoarse, that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements.«

A hotel thief who disguises himself as a raven steals pieces of jewellery from Hollywood celebrities. After the Three Investigators nearly caught him, he challenges them. Every time he plans a new robbery, the boys receive a riddle with a hint to the next victim. 

Stimmen aus dem Nichts (76)
Stimmen aus dem NichtsVoices from the Void (al/db), Message from the Graveyard (bt), The Phoning Phantom (sh)

On her deathbed, Metzla Hooligan puts a terrible curse on her sister Abigail. Now she seems to be back from the grave to fulfil her wicked mission. On the verge of madness, Abigail seeks the help of the Three Investigators.

The boys realise that the truth is hidden in the psychiatric practice of Clarissa Franklin. Under the pretence of needing psychological help, Bob consults the psychotherapist. Exposed to the perilous powers of the shrewd woman, and a victim to his own subconscious desires, he becomes another instrument in her demonic plan. 

With Clarissa Franklin, André Minninger created one of the most haunting, hypnotising characters of the series. She is ambiguous, disturbing, full of vicious darkness and yet heart-broken. In her own tragic way she is the first to introduce the beginning of the decline of Rocky Beach’s age of innocence. (Billy Towne) 

Pistenteufel (77)
PistenteufelPiste Devil (al/db), Snowy Sabotage (bt)

Karen Sulzenberger is a young German skier who participates in the world cub competitions in Vail. But despite her successful performances the woman has to suffer a great deal. Someone wants to dispose of her. Mrs Seven, a teacher at Rocky Beach high, is concerned for the safety of her German cousin. Thus she calls in the Three Investigators.

In the snowy woods of the winter resort, the boys have to face an opponent who will stop at nothing...

Das leere Grab (78)
Das leere GrabThe Empty Tomb (al/db), Jupiter's Parents (sh) (Chasing) Flesh and Blood (bt)

Albert Hitfield has astonishing news for Jupiter Jones: Maybe the first Investigator has never been an orphan at all! On his last journey to South America Hitfield accidentally met a couple with the identities  of Jupiter’s allegedly dead parents.

Stirred by the discovery of his friend, Jupiter runs away from home and sets off for the dangerous diamond-city Suerte. While Jupiter has to decide whether or not blood is really thicker than water, his friends in Rocky Beach start their own investigations.

Im Bann des Voodoo (79)
Im Bann des VoodooUnder The Spell of Voodoo (al/db), Voodoo possessed (bt)

Al Parker is a successful music producer in his mid thirties. When a demonic doll arrives at his house and he begins to suffer from breathlessness, his life turns into sheer hell. The Three Investigators doubt that Al is voodoo possessed and offer him their help.

To unravel the strange circumstances surrounding their new client, the boys start a research on voodoo and black magic. Then Al Parker introduces them to his neighbour Mrs Stevens who is an anthropologist. The boys suspect that the creepy woman knows more than she admits...

Geheimsache Ufo (80)
Geheimsache UfoX-File Ufo (al/db), Extraterrestrial Raid (bt)

Pete is scared. First he spots spaceship, then an armed force of men in black appear in the forest. He is convinced that the world is in imminent danger of an extraterrestrial invasion. Jupiter does not believe in aliens and insists on investigating the mystery.

The truth is out there – Thus the Three Investigators search the Internet for other people who witnessed aliens around Rocky Beach and contacts a woman named Cosma. Then a strange videotape arrives at Headquarters and the science fiction writer Vladimir Contreras appears...

Verdeckte Fouls (81)
Verdeckte FoulsHidden Fouls (al/db), Shoot for Anger (bt)

A torn T-shirt and the symbol of a jaguar are enough to upset Julio, a Brazilian soccer star. His team spends the summer near LA where the members of an obscure sect try to lure people to join their group.

Where is the connection between soccer and the sect and why is Julio so concerned about the relatively harmless attacks? All the Three Investigators know is that FUTURIO is a dangerous enemy. Nevertheless, they are not afraid to put up with the sect.

Die Karten des Bösen (82)
Die Karten des BösenCards of Evil (al/db), Terror Tarot (sh)

An urgent appeal for help brings the Three Investigators to Milva Summer, a famous horoscope writer. Her beloved cat Come In is missing. Shortly after arriving at her residence, they find the corpse of the pet hanging from a tree. The same day, Mrs Summer’s cards predict her own death.

Two days later, Mrs Summer is the happiest person in the world. Her cat is alive again - resurrected by the sinister Professor Steed. The creepy man - who developed a formula to defeat death - seems to hold all the cards, since Mrs Summer is ready to sign a fateful contract...

Meuterei auf hoher See (83)
Meuterei auf hoher SeeMutiny on High Seas (al/db), Dangerous Depths (bt), Hardships on High Seas (bt), The Beasts in the Abyss (sh)

The Three Investigators join a group of journalists and scientists who explore volcanic activities in the ocean. The trip becomes an endurance test, when the command of their ship falls into the merciless hands of a mutineer. 

Shaken by terrible tempests, the crew embarks on a perilous quest to depths yet unknown...

Musik des Teufels (84)
Musik des TeufelsDevil's Music (al/db), The Cursed Fiddle (bt), The Violent Violinist (sh)

Jupiter and Pete are puzzled. Bob doesn’t want to see them anymore. He is extremely rude and seems to hide something. Soon the boys find out that the clue to their friend’s strange behaviour lies in the spellbinding concerts of a gloomy violinist.

Is it witchcraft or just foul play? Why is the mad fiddler so keen on the song of the nymph Persinoe – and what is Persinoe’s song? The boys decide to uncover the secret behind the unearthly music.

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.

Feuerturm (85)
FeuerturmCastle of Fire (al/db), The Valley of Tears (bt), The Last Chapter's Chase (sh)

The Three Investigators are supposed to give an envelope to a stranger but the delivery fails. Many questions arise when the boys open the letter and read a mysterious message. Who are Johnny and Charlie the Butcher? Where is the black tower of the dark mistress? 

The message leads the boys to Kings Canyon National Park where the last sequel of America’s most famous soap opera is hidden. But the boys aren’t the only ones who want to find The Valley of Tears.

Nacht in Angst (86)
Nacht in AngstA Night in Fear (al/db), From Dusk till Dawn (bt), Fright Night (sh)

Friday, 08.25 pm: The Three Investigators and Worthington enter the Steadman Museum. Their guide is Mr. Peacock, the museum-manager. The reason for their late visit is a fabulous diamond called Flame of the Moon. 08.28 pm: Someone cuts the electricity supply. 08.30 pm: Pete hears voices in the dark. Somebody has come to steal the diamond.

The night-time visit becomes a nightlong nightmare when Pete and Bob fall into the hands of the unscrupulous criminals.

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.

Wolfsgesicht (87)
WolfsgesichtThe Face of the Wolf (al/db), Wolf-Hunt (bt)

Somebody called Wolf Face repeatedly sends strange messages to the police. Each letter indicates that a crime will take place but the police draws the wrong conclusions. Thus the criminal is able to escape without a trace.

However, Jupiter, Pete and Bob manage to understand Wolf Face’s method. But they are racing against time as the president of the United States is going to visit Rocky Beach…

Vampir im Internet (88)
Vampir im InternetVampires in the Internet (al/db), Virtual-Vampire Reality (bt), Virtual Anxiety (sh), Sweet Revenge (db)

Once upon a time -when the world was still inhabited by brave nights, fairies and Dragons- Prince Vinton was born during a terrible thunderstorm. But his birth brought endless sorrow to the kingdom of Vandenbrick. First the royal family was struck by an incurable disease, then little Vinton was snatched from his cradle by vampires and brought to Transylvania.

The Three Investigators agree to test Sweet Revenge, Doe Dungeon’s new, bloodcurdling fantasy-adventure-game. Soon the boys have to cope with unreal vampires and real crooks.

Tödliche Spur (89)
Tödliche Spur Lathal Trace (al/db), Driving Demons (bt), Morton's Murder (sh)

Accident or murder? Worthington is dead - His car crashed down the coastal rocks. The Three Investigators mourn for their friend and chauffeur. When they start to reflect on their friendship with him they realise that they hardly know anything about Worthington. 

On the trail of his past the boys slowly find out that a dark mystery overshadowed their friend’s life and death. But then a crucial question arises: Is the British chauffeur really dead?

Feuerteufel (90)
FeuerteufelThe Fire Demon (al/db), Pulp Terror (sh)

Halloween is approaching and Aaron Moore, the owner of Blackstone Manor, feels that his days are numbered. The writer of a ghost-series seems convinced that the demons of the creepy house seek revenge for their appearance in his stories. Three of the dark omen he described in his latest and yet unpublished story have already come true. Now he is waiting for the lethal fourth sign.

The Three Investigators try to prove that the terror is caused by a human being. With burning graves and bleeding showers this turns out to be a hell of a job...

Labyrinth der Götter (91)
Labyrinth der GötterLabyrinth of the Gods (al/db), Divine Destination (bt), Utopia (sh)

A dark secret overshadowed Utopia, the legendary Edward Truman film. Anxious that someone could reveal the murderous tragedy he hid his work. When he died, the film seemed to be lost forever. Then an old actress tells the Three Investigators something that might be a clue to the hiding place Utopia.

In Truman’s garden the Three Investigators have to overcome an enormous maze with huge statues of Roman gods. When the boys finally reach the house and see the impressive planetarium of the late filmmaker, Jupiter starts to understand the secret that »only the gods know«...

Todesflug (92)
TodesflugThe Death Flight (al/db),  (bt), Lethal Lift-Off (sh)

The world is not enough for the maniacal computer scientist Mr Gregstone. He plans to attack all of humanity from outer space. In his desert-space camp he develops a special death-ray satellite. But when the countdown for his final mission is running three boys appear out of nowhere.

In the former NASA camp a variety of traps and villains awaits the Three Investigators. Then their man for records and research is involuntarily send into space. Now it’s on Bob to save the world from extraterrestrial obliteration.

Ben Nevis takes great risks in blending the Three Investigators with Science Fiction and spy genres. The result is a thrilling story that is, well... rather shaken, not stirred... (Billy Towne)

Das Geisterschiff (93)
Das GeisterschiffThe Phantom Ship (al/db), The Vanishing Vessel (bt)

A ghastly vessel is passing the Californian coast in dark, foggy nights. It is the doomed ship of Duncan the Dark, a pirate from the early nineteenth century, who lost his treasure in a deadly battle against another pirate. Now he is back to haunt the heirs of Hawk, his opponent,  to reclaim his property.

The Three Investigators help Mr Qin, a nice young fellow -who is a great-great grandson of Hawk- to find the treasure. A couple of ancient miniature ships in bottles lead the boys to an eerie pirate island called The Hook.

Das schwarze Monster (94)
Das schwarze MonsterThe Black Monster (al/db), Criminal Creatures(bt), Dangerous Dunnerak (sh)

A monster from the cold, dark woods of Alaska is brought to California. One evening the blood thirsty creature escapes from its master, the owner of a small circus. The same night, a woman is attacked and her valuable necklace is stolen.

The Three Investigators set out on a hair-raising monster-hunt. They have to hurry, since the dangerous Dunnerak is waiting in the darkness, ready to attack again...

Botschaft von Geisterhand (95)
Botschaft von GeisterhandThe Invisible Message (al/db)

By chance, Jelena witnesses a telephone conversation that strongly arouses her interest: Someone is going to steal the ancient and most valuable translation of a holy Maya-book called Popol Vuh!

Since Jelena is awfully intelligent but handicapt, she cannot prevent the crime on her own. Thus she turns to the Three Investigators who helped her in a previous case. The investigations become a real challenge for Jupiter who loves riddles and mysteries and hates Jelena...

Der rote Rächer (96)
Der rote RächerThe Red Vengeance (al/db), The Fire of Vengeance (sh)

»In the sign of fire: It happened for the second time tonight  – The explosion of all delight!« Jupiter is alarmed. Someone repeatedly calls him to announce arson in Rocky Beach. When the young Investigator and his friends arrive at the first scene of fire, their half-burned card has been found by the firemen. Suddenly the boys are the main suspects…

Burned up with anger, the Three Investigators try to find the true arsonist. They don’t have much time to waste, since the sign of fire points directly to the Jones Salvage Yard!

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.

Insektenstachel (97)
InsektenstachelAn Insect's Sting (al/db), The Hornet's Nest (sh)

Mrs Hazelwood finds her life suddenly, horrifyingly eclipsed by the appearance of enraged hornets that attack her housemaid. Insects of any kind are the worst fear of the blind old lady. Then, alone in darkness -surrounded by hornets and mosquitoes - Mrs Hazelwood realises in terror that her furniture are moving.

The Three Investigators offer their help. Soon they find themselves up against an enemy who will stop at nothing to get a treasure, Mrs Hazelwood does not even know about.

Sounds familiar? Well, there are no scarecrows, no ants and no old ladies in wheelchairs. However, readers who enjoyed "The sinister Scarecrow" will definitely like this chilling story. (Billy Towne)

Tal des Schreckens (98)
Tal des SchreckensTerror Valley (al/db), Dangerous Stakes (bt), The Missing Memories (sh)

A woman wakes up on a deserted mountain-trail. Her head aches and all she can remember is a strange Indian with the head of an eagle. 

Alarmed she tries to find help but the police are not eager to believe in spooky apparitions. Her last hope are three boys, dedicated to solve mysteries, riddles and enigmas of all kinds: The Three Investigators.  The boys don’t hesitate to set off for a dangerous trip in the mountains.

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.

Rufmord (99)
RufmordSmear Campaign (al/db), Attack On Air (bt)

Stay tuned for a new mysterious case the Three Investigators are about so solve. »It’s time for Prime Time.« America’s hottest radio-show is on air again, but this night it’s going to be sheer hell for the famous host Kevin Anderson.

When Anderson answers the studio-telephone, a creepy voice delivers a threatening message. The host is taken aback by the call, but his guests, Jupiter Jones and his friends, can’t wait to begin the investigations.

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.

Toteninsel (100)
ToteninselDeath Island (al/db), The Island of Death (bt), The Riddle of the Sphinx (bt),The People of the Past (sh), Bombs in the Tombs (sh)

Whispering mummies, green ghosts, flaming footprints or missing mermaids – The Three Investigators investigate anything. So far they have solved 99 mysteries, riddles and conspiracies, but their most hair-raising adventure is yet to come. 

Many questions arise when the boys take over their 100th case: Who is their anonymous client? What is the dark secret of Makatao - the Island of Death-? And what role does the mysterious organisation »Sphinx« play? Soon the Three Investigators have to realise that the answers reveal a lethal truth. This time knowledge means death and the CIA and the US Army have already taken up arms to hunt down anyone who discovers their sectret….

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.

Hexenhandy (101)
HexenhandyThe Bewitched Cellular (al/db), Creepy Callers (bt), Mobile Morons (bt), The Witch in the Woods (sh)

They glow in the dark, make unearthly noises and cause slight electric shocks – The brand new Witch Phones. A Californian phone company makes a fortune with mobile phones for children. But then some of the small owners disappear. 

Bob and Pete find a school bag and one of the weird phones in a forest. One day later, the little boy who owned the bag is found. Jupiter is intrigued by a new mystery when the child claims that a witch kidnapped him. Is there a connection between the mobile phones and the sinister creature in the woods?

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.
Doppelte Täuschung (102)
Doppelte TäuschungDouble Deceit (al/db), Double Vision (bt), Multiple Danger (bt), Double Trouble (sh)

When Bob Andrews collides with a bank robber he is able to see the man's face. Only some hours later, the same man consults the Three Investigators. He claims to be the brother of the criminal and asks the boys to find his twin.

Jupiter, Pete and Bob are convinced that their new client is double-dealing, but they take the trouble to help him. This time, the boys have to be careful not to lose count since they might be troubled by double vision...

Das Erbe des Meisterdiebs (103)
Das Erbe des MeisterdiebsHugenay’s Heritage, From Darkness with Love, Artful Affairs (bt), The Monastery Mystery (sh)

The French authorities announce that the famous art-thief Victor Hugenay has died in a mountain-hiking accident. Some days later Jupiter receives a message from beyond the grave: A letter from Hugenay. It is his last will in form of a riddle that tells The Three Investigators were he hid a collection of valuable stolen paintings. 

This time Jupiter's only unbeaten opponent challenges him to the utmost. In a previous case the First Investigator told Hugenay that he would never change sides and commit a crime. But when a mysterious beautiful girl begs for his help he has to make a fateful decision: Love or Law?

Gift per E-Mail (104)
Gift per E-MailPoisened E-mail (al), The Vicious Jellyfishes (sh)

Meg Baker only escapes death by inches when she is trapped in a shipwreck full of poisonous jelly fishes. Due to this terrible experience, she quits scuba diving forever. Yet, she cannot escape the horrible jelly fishes. The terrified woman is haunted by the creatures that suddenly appear on her computer screen.

The Three Investigators offer their help but Mrs. Baker decides to call in Dick Perry, a professional detective. Nevertheless the boys keep working on the case and a furious war between Perry and the Three Investigators breaks out. 

Der Nebelberg (105)
Der NebelbergPhantom in the Mist (al), Phantom In The Fog (sh), Phantom Peak (bt), The Mystery of Misty-Mountain (bt)

A weird mystery rouses the interest of Jupiter Jones when he and his friends go on a hike in the Rocky Mountains: One of the foggy mountain tops is haunted by a gloomy, wailing phantom, floating in the gray clouds. 

Scarcely anyone dares to set foot on "Phantom Peak" and strange stories are told about the spooky apparition. While Bob and Pete prefer to avoid  the place, Jupiter is convinced that The Three Investigators should unveil the secret that is hidden in the mist.

Additionally Billy has prepared a little excerpts of this case for you.

Der Mann ohne Kopf (106)
Der Mann ohne KopfDevil Dancer (bt)

Celebrities, teenagers, freaks and The Three Investigators, everybody hits the road for  Rocky Beach's hottest party. The place: The fancy new nightclub Planet Evil. The DJ: A mysterious man without a head. The music: A spellbinding song that drives the visitors to the boarders of ecstasy.

By the end of the night a dead body lies on the dancefloor, the DJ has vanished, Pete has accepted drugs and Jupe feels that there is a new case to be solved. Assisted by transsexual queen of pop Monique Carrera and Pete's gay surf-companion Jeffrey, the boys search the decadent club-scene for answers...

Welcome to Studio 54 for young readers! A mixture of allusions to "sex, drugs and Rock’ n Roll" suitable for children and yet obvious enough for adult readers. Unfortunately the plot is rather weakly crafted and does not convince as detective fiction.

Der Schatz der Mönche (107)
Der Schatz der MöncheThe Box Of Buddha (bt), The Sacred Safe (bt)

By accident Pete disturbs a stranger who is about to hand over a stolen box. Frightened by the man he takes to his heels - the small wooden case in his hands. Regardless of the consequences he throws the thing away but suddenly everybody seems to be interested in the box and Pete has to fear for his life.

Fortunatelly his two friends are at his side and together they soon find out that the treasure belonged to the religious head of a small Asian country. The old man, Lama Geshe, asks them to retrive the box and  as the fate of his country depends on its powerful contents.

Die sieben Tore (108)
Die sieben ToreThe Seven Archways (bt)

In a gloomy old building at the seaside embittered Casper Carter tries to solve the mystery of his own past. His only clue are the words "Search for the hiding place amongst the seven archways". Eventhough the wretched man despises nothing as much as guests he hires the Three Investigators to help him. 

Locked chambers, ill-tempered servants, threatening messages and a hungry snake cannot chase away Jupiter Jones and his two friends as the boys are determined to find the seven archways...

Gefährliches Quiz (109)
Gefährliches QuizEvil Entertainment, Lethal Knowledge (bt)

Jupiter takes part in a famous quiz-show called "Tough Nuts". As the show is about to start a group of unscrupulous criminals has changed the rules. Now Jupiter has to prove that he is a real genius since a wrong answer is going to have a fatal impact. If he fails, a hostage will die.

Live on TV, watched by a whole continent, Jupiter displays his knowledge for the prize of a living soul...

Panik im Park (110)
Panik im ParkPanic Park, Pet Attack (bt)

The small park in Rocky Beach is known as a peaceful place... till a meteorite crashes into the neat green lawn. From the moment the black stone has touched the ground, harmless pets turn into bloodthirsty beasts. 

Rocky Beach is in panic, except for Jupiter and his friends who decide to examine the mysterious rock from outer space. But sometimes it is better to let sleeping dogs lie... 

Die Höhle des Grauens (111)
Die Höhle des GrauensThe Cave of Doom, Horror Holidays (bt)

While Snowwhite involuntarily slept in a coffin, others pay quite an amount of money to have that experience. A gloomy cave, sculls, cobwebs and ghosts are part of the all-inclusive Horror-Hotel "Dark Dungeons". Among the guests are Jupiter, Pete and Bob who won the special horror-weekend in a competition.

But the harmless horror soon turns into real terror. A perilous secret is hidden in the depths of the cave. Of course Jupiter cannot wait to unveil the truth of the "Dark Dungeons".

Die Schlucht der Dämonen (112)
Schlucht der DämonenThe ridiculous ride (bt)

As a cowboy's best friend truly is his horse, Ewan Donnovan is ready to go to hell and back for his 29 years old "Lady".  Now the mare who spent her days sleeping and eating has been kidnapped since her fur shows a detailed map of the wild west.  Thus Jupiter assumes that "Lady" is the key to an old Indian treasure. 

Rather clueless the Three Investigators mount Donnovan's best horses and set out for a perilous ride in the truly wicked, wicked, wild, wild, west.

Das Auge des Drachen (113)
Das Auge des DrachenDragoneye (bt)

Six-year-old Emily claims to have seen fairy-tales beings in a forest near Rocky Beach.  As her mother does not believe in the supernatural she does not take her daughter serious until Emily is attacked by something that looks like a small dragon. The Three Investigators take care of the child and promise her to investigate in the dragon-case.

Soon the Three Investigators realize that sometimes one has to see with the eyes of another to realize the truth.

Die Villa der Toten (114)
Die Villa der TotenMurder Mansion (bt)

In the gloomy mansion of a deceased opera-celebrity seven people come together to prove that there are no supernatural occurrences in the house. Among them the Three Investigators and Jupiter’s aunt who pretends to be a psychic.  It looks like the séance is turning out quite the way the boys expected, right up until the point Aunt Mathilda really receives a message from a ruthless spirit. 

The former inhabitant of the mansion seems to think that her death should not go unexplained and she reveals a dreadful truth: One of the seven people in the room has committed a murder. The question arises, whether the message comes from a real spirit or someone who is playing a vicious game.

Auf tödlichem Kurs (115)
Auf tödlichem KursPerilous Paint (bt)

A mysterious man steels the worthless painting of a sailing yacht from Chief Raynold’s apartment. The retired police officer hires the Three Investigators to find the thief and return his property.  Soon the boys learn that the picture belongs to a series showing the ships of a deceased millionaire.

In an attempt to figure out the meaning of the paintings the Three Investigators have to uncover a dark secret of the past.

Codename: Cobra (116)
Codename: CobraCodename: Cobra (bt)

Ten-year-old Julia receives a coded E-mail from her brother Teddy.  Despite Teddy’s being dead, Julia believes that the mail really comes from her beloved brother. She decodes the message and finds out that he is in great danger. As nobody takes her serious she asks the Three Investigators to find out more about Teddy.

Suddenly Julia is missing and a strange E-mail with picture of a snake appears on several computers. Now the boys have to speed up since the cobras are on a deadly hunt.

Der finstere Rivale (117)
Der finstere RivaleThe Godfather Games, Blood Money (bt)

Several suitcases, three Investigators, two rivaling godfathers, and one truly wicked Skinny Norris form the basis of a wild chase across Rocky Beach. One suitcase is full of blood money, the others only full of old magazines and newspapers. 

Again it takes Jupiter's brilliant mind to save the day.

Das düstere Vermächtnis (118)
Das düstere VermächtnisLeathal Legacy (bt)

"Lethal Legacy" is the newest play performed by REALITY 5. The theatre ensemble wants to perform the masterpiece of a deceased playwrit but strange incidents happen during the rehearsals. The Three Investigators see behind the curtains and deduce that one actor is playing a foul play.

Finally Jupiter finds the crucial clues to solve the case - life on stage.

Der geheime Schlüssel (119)
Der geheime SchlüsselThe myserious Key (bt)

"Welcome to the wonderful world of the Mobimecs! Felix Coppersmith, an old inventor, dedicated his whole life to his uncommon work: He produced mechanical toys called Mobimecs.  Now he is missing and his children only have three strange clues, as to where their father could be. Drawn into the case by a mysterious key, the Three Investigators offer their help.

In a house full of crawling metal-dolls, miniature trains and dancing teapots the boys have to solve Felix Coppersmith’s unique riddles. But they’d better be careful, since sometimes a wonderful plan might be destroyed by to much ambition!

Der schwarze Skorpion (120)
Der schwarze SkorpionBlack Death (bt)

During the volleyball championship in Rocky Beach a player is attacked by a huge black scorpion.  Jupiter does not believe in coincidences and assumes that someone wanted to endanger the players.  While the doctors are fighting for the man’s life, the boys launch an investigation.

Die Spur ins Nichts (121)
Die Spur ins NichtsThe Cellar (bt)

Jupiter and a strange young man wake up at opposite ends of a dirty utility room. As they both suffer from amnesia, they cannot recollect what happened before. But they soon learn that they have become the victims of someone who plays an evil game. 

Pitted against the clock, the two must work to outwit their captor and save Pete, who is badly injured.

Der Geisterzug (122)
Der GeisterzugThe Mystery of the Ghost-Train (bt)

Harrovwille, Nevada in 1904: A railway-tunnel collapses and whole train and twenty Chinese workers are entombed. 

About a hundred years later a series of unfortunate events endangers the Harrowville Railroad Museum: apart from arson, theft and several accidents, something creepy is going on in the old railway-tunnel.

 Jupiter, Pete and Bob offer their help. Their only clue: a strange riddle from the past. Time left to solve the riddle: Only 24 hours …

A very spooky story - written in the style of the classic “Three Investigators” books.

Fußballfieber (123)
FussballfieberSoccer actually (bt)

A boy asks the Three Investigators to uncover the truth about a series of mysterious events that take place in the house of his grandparents. The old people are convinced that they deal with the terrible foreshadowings of death.

A new dangerous adventure starts for Jupiter, Pete and Bob. And they have to find out that soccer actually is … ;-)

Der Geister-Canyon (124)
Der Geister-CanyonHighway to Hell (bt)

A film-producer calls the Three Investigators. His valuable violin has been stolen and the thief offers to return the musical instrument for a huge amount of money. With a bag full of ransom the boys take off on an adventurous road trip to retrieve the stolen violin.

Feuermond (125)
FeuermondWhat lies beneath, 1.) The master’s riddle, 2.) A trail of deception, 3.) Somewhere between the Shadows (bt)

The inhabitants of Rocky Beach are looking forward to celebrating the town’s 100th birthday. But the Three Investigators are more concerned with a mysterious painting called "Fire Moon". Soon Jupiter must once again confront his old opponent – the French art-thief Victor Hugenay.

 This time Jupiter is determined to outwit Hugenay. As the case progresses, Jupiter gets obsessed with the idea of getting his antagonist arrested …

"What lies beneath" is a wonderful story with many typical elements of the series: a mysterious riddle, a dark graveyard, a secret from the past and a tantalizing car chase. But apart from the adventure the story also revolves around the gradual  emotional development of Jupiter Jones, who fears nothing as much as failure.

Schrecken aus dem Moor (126)
Schrecken aus dem MoorNight of the living Dead (bt)

A bog body is on the loose. Unfortunately the evil thing just rises from the dead to haunt a museum when Pete happens to be around. Almost scared to death Pete calls his friends…

Schwarze Madonna (127)
Schwarze MadonnaBlack Madonna (bt)

In this wonderful bedtime stoy the Three Investigators try to reveal the incredible secret of a black statue. But it seems everybody wants to get hold of the mysterious "Black Madonna". Soon the boys have to face one danger after another.

Will Jupiter, Pete and Bob live to tell the secret? You'll see ...

Schatten über Hollywood (128)
Schatten über HollywoodThe haunted Hills of Hollywood (bt)

It starts as a simple bet: Pete has to draw his initials on one of the famous letters on Hollywood Hill. But when Jupiter, Pete and Bob arrive at the szene of Pete's future crime they spot a ghost. 

Is this really the ghost of the late actress Casey Wye? Or ist somebody playing a foul game? The Three Investigators launch an investigation and have to research the glitter and dust of Hollywood's glamorous past ...

SMS aus dem Grab (129)
SMS aus dem GrabThe Secret of the deadly Pyramid (bt)

This time Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw and Bob Andrews have to travel to Egypt to find Rubbish George, a missing tramp. His tracks lead through the desert to the pyramids.

But when the boys enter the dark realm of mummies and sphinxes their lives seem to be threatened by an old curse ...

Der Fluch des Drachen (130)
Der Fluch des DrachenDragon Games (bt)

It starts as a simple bet: Pete has to draw his initials on one of the famous letters on Hollywood Hill. But when Jupiter, Pete and Bob arrive at the szene of Pete's future crime they spot a ghost. 

Is this really the ghost of the late actress Casey Wye? Or ist somebody playing a foul game? The Three Investigators launch an investigation and have to research the glitter and dust of Hollywood's glamorous past ...

Das Haus der Schrecken (131)
Das Haus der SchreckenThe Mysterious Mansion (bt)

IIt all starts as a game: Several people spend one night at an old haunted mansion. One of them is chosen to be a "killer," while the others are the "victims".  At first the game works well, but, things take a horrific turn as someone attacks and then abducts one of the players.

Jupiter, Pete and Bob want to help the victim but this is not an easy task as the haunted house seems to have a mind of its own...

Spuk im Internet (132)
Spuk im InternetGhost Site (bt)

Even dead persons seem to create websites on the internet. Mrs Bennet from the Rocky Beach Library is surprised when she learns that a ghost is sending messages from a webcam in a haunted house.

Suddenly the librarian is missing and Jupiter, Pete and Bob have to browse the web to find her. Online as well as “away from keyboard” they launch an investigation.

Fels der Dämonen (133)
Fels der DämonenDie Hard (bt)

This time Jupiter, Pete and Bob just want to have a little fun. Unfortunately, their trip to the seaside ends as a total disaster: Bob gets abducted by criminals who threaten to feed him to the sharks. Meanwhile Jupiter and Pete are entrapped in a dangerous cave.

Diving through a flooded tunnel, Pete finally has to face a very serious matter of life and death! Will the boys survive their trip or will this be the end of the Three Investigators?

Der tote Mönch (134)
Der tote MönchThe Dead Monk (bt)

Miss Harkinson and her Chinese gardener are alarmed: Something has come to scare them. But what? Is it an Asian demon or a dead monk who haunts the old cemetery that belongs to Miss Harkinson's estate.

Jupiter, Pete and Bob have to go deeper underground to unmask the zombie!

Fluch des Piraten (135)
Fluch des PiratenPirates of the Pacific (bt)

Is there a treasure on Free Island? Jupiter, Bob and Pete set sails to investigate their new case.

The boys venture into the dark heart of the place and soon they discover that the island holds many secrets - including cats, snakes and dangerous holes in the ground  ...

Das versunkene Dorf (136)
Das versunkene DorfDrowned Truth (bt)

The Three Investigators are called to a small town in Oregon to investigate the case of a glowing lake. While a (sometimes unnerving) young boy assists the boys from Rocky Beach, the older townspeople do not offer any help. On the contrary: They all seem to keep a dark secret!

Jupiter, Pete and Bob dive into the lake and find the ruins of a flooded town. In the green depths they have to learn that silent waters are not only deep but sometimes really dangerous.

Pfad der Angst (137)
Pfad der AngstMurderous Memories (bt)

The Three Investigators find themselves involved in a series of very unfortunate events. First they have to steal an invention for their new client, then they stumble across a homicide ... And this is just the beginning!

This time Jupiter, Pete and Bob are up against two strange brothers, an amusing thief and the evil forces of nature. Can they cope with their enemies and escape the imminent danger?

Die geheime Treppe (138)
Die geheime TreppeStairway to Perdition (bt)

In an attempt to find his lost car keys Pete comes across a cry for help. Together with Jupiter and Bob he rescues Darren Swany, a man who has been kidnapped. Darren asks Three Investigators to find out, by whom and why he has been abducted.

On behalf of their new client the boys check out a local college that smolders with dark secrets. As usual Jupiter Jones is unable to resist the sound of mystery. But some doors should better stay locked ... 

Das Geheimnis der Diva (139)
Das Geheimnis der DivaPhantom of the Theatre (bt)

When a group of actors re-opens the old Rocky Beach Theatre they are attacked by an angry spirit that apparently haunts the place. At first the ghost is considered to be just a weird joke, but then a girls disappears and people start behaving strangely.

Backstage The Three Investigators have to deal with a mysterious phantom, a nasty janitor, a dark secret from the past and some really evil traps that leave one of the boys quite bruised and battered... 

Stadt der Vampire (140)
Stadt der VampireBeyond Sunset (bt)

On a hike in the Californian mountains The Three Investigators find themselves short of food and have to get new supplies. They finally end up in Yonderwood, a gloomy village terrified by the bloodthirsty reign of a vampire.  Of course Jupiter Jones does not believe in ghost stories. But then the vampire chooses a new victim and once more a person wakes up with a punctured neck and bloody bed-sheets.

Jupiter, Bob and Pete gather together with a local girl to try to de-mask the undead and stop the bloodshed.  Soon they discover that there is more to Yonderwood than meets the eye... 

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