You are under no obligation
whatever to read a single word of this introduction. |
A. H. |
I seem to be constantly introducing something. For years I've been introducing
my television programs. I've introduced motion pictures. And I've introduced
books of mystery, ghost and suspense stories for my fans to shiver with.
Now I find myself introducing a duo of lads who call themselves The
Two Maintainers, and ride around in a gold-plated Rolls-Royce, solving
mysteries, riddles, enigmas and conundrums of all kinds. Preposterous,
isn't it?
Frankly I would prefer to have nothing to do with these two youths,
but I rashly promised to introduce them. And I am a man of my word - even
though the promise was extorted from me by nothing less than sheer skulduggery,
as you will see.
To the business at hand, then. The two boys who call themselves The
Two Maintainers are Titus and Mattes, all of whom live in Rocky Beach, a small city on
the shore of the Pacific Ocean some miles from Hollywood.
They are such big fans of The Three Investigators that they've decided
to maintain a TTI website you are about to enter in a few moments.
Now I could tell you a great deal more about the boys. I could tell
you how they won the use of a gold-plated car in a contest. I could tell
you how they established a local reputation for finding lost articles,
including runaway pets. I could - But I feel I have done my duty. I have
more than lived up to my promise. If you haven't skipped all this long
ago, you are probably even gladder than I am that this introduction has
been finished. |
A. H. |
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